Monday, February 06, 2006
Ahern rejects vote for citizens in North

Born in the six counties, you can become the President...but don't ever expect to get a vote in the Presidential election!
Politics, Irish style!
I was disgusted to learn, courtesy of Daily Ireland, that our very own Taoiseach, and self-proclaimed Irish Republican, Bertie Ahern, has rejected demands for citizens living in the North to be allowed to take part in presidential elections!
The office of the Taoiseach said the issue of voting rights for people in the North would not be considered until after all aspects of the Good Friday Agreement have been "implemented in full".
What a cop out!
Some Irish Republican!

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MLA Barry McElduff quite rightly criticised the Taoiseach for his diabolical attitude towards the issue.
Mr McElduff, an avid Gaelic football fan had earlier pointed out to Mr Ahern that 11 out of last season’s 15 GAA All Stars are not be allowed to vote in Irish presidential elections yet are allowed to receive one of the country’s most prestigious sporting awards.
"People from the North like to play a leading role in Croke Park and want to practice their politics in Dublin as well. If Tyrone and Armagh are playing in a match in Dublin the whole country looks on but none of those men on the pitch are allowed to vote in a presidential election.
"I think Bertie Ahern’s approach is minimalist and he is dragging his heels on this issue.
"It’s hard to fathom, hard to absorb, but it is something the Taoiseach can move on with without reference to other aspects of the Good Friday Agreement being implemented first."
Well said, Mr McElduff. The issue of voting rights for Irish citizens in the North is an issue that affects all Irish people and goes above and beyond party politics.
For that reason I urge you all to take the time to e-mail the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern at his private office below to criticise his shameful attitude towards this issue:
Urge the Irish government to put an end to this disgraceful discrimination which sees Irish citizens north of the border left out in the cold.
It is undemocratic and unacceptable.
Speak out against it!
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