Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Ireland emasculated once more

The Government has finally bowed to pressure from the European Commission to pay authors for books borrowed in public libraries, it emerged today.

It means that authors will now be paid royalties every time their books are borrowed from libraries, rather than just for one single copy.

The European Commission (EC) had threatened the Government with legal action as far back as 2003 for failing to implement its rental and lending directive properly and finally took Ireland to the European Court of Justice.

The Minister of State for Trade and Commerce Michael Ahern said he would now bring forward a new public lending right payments system to address the Commission’s concerns.

"There had been a continuing difference in interpretation of the Rental and Lending Directive between Ireland and the Commission, which remains the subject of proceedings against Ireland in the European Court of Justice, but I am confident that this Bill will resolve these differences," he said.

The cost of paying the new royalties could be several million euro.

I personally don't give a damn about the issue of authors being paid for books borrowed in public libraries. What I care about is that the Irish government has had to bow to pressure from the European Commission. Who are they to dictate to us?

Our sovereignty is a sham.


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