Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Top Ten Tuesday - Irish Republicans

Following on from this week's poll, I thought this week I would do a list of who I consider to be the ten greatest Irish Republicans. So without further ado:

1. Wolfe Tone - Had a very admirable vision of an independent Irish Republic.
2. Padraig Pearse - A key figure in the revitalisation of Irish nationalism. A martyr and an orator.
3. Eamon de Valera - His masterful political moves paved the way for the 26 counties to become a Republic in all but name.
4. Michael Collins - Embarrassed the British forces in Ireland through his cunning and ruthlessness. Tragically killed as a young man in his home county of Cork.
5. Robert Emmet - His stirring speech from the Dock helped keep Irish Republicanism alive and remains perhaps the greatest speech ever made by an Irishman.
6. James Connolly - Had a dream of creating a socialist revolution through 1916. It was not to be but he showed great courage and died for his beliefs.
7. Tom Clarke - Served 15 years in jail in England over a bombing mission there. Later he became a key figure in the IRB and was prominent in the planning of the Rising. He died by firing squad.
8. John Mitchel - Wrote some important articles for The Nation and The United Irishman advocating physical force to dissolve the union between Ireland and England. He was also imprisoned for 'treasonous' articles.
9. Terence MacSwiney - The Lord Mayor of Cork who was arrested for making a 'seditious' speech and who then commenced a hunger strike for 74 days, making his the longest hunger strike in Irish political history.
10. Bobby Sands - Another man who famously went on hunger strike. Whilst I don't agree with many of his principles, I have to respect the patriotism of a man willing to die for his country.

So there you have it. Feel free to comment on my choices or to offer some of your own. And don't forget to vote in the poll along my sidebar for the greatest Irish Republican. Currently Wolfe Tone is in the lead but that could well change...


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