Sunday, March 13, 2005


McCartney's Question Sinn Fein's Fitness to Govern

In what is a shattering blow to Sinn Fein and it supporters, the family of Robert McCartney have today challenged Sinn Fein's fitness for government following revelations that one of its election candidates, Cara Groogan, was in Magennis's bar on the night he was murdered.

Catherine McCartney said the issue raised
serious concerns about Sinn Fein's attitude to democracy and justice.

"Ultimately this person could have been sitting as a government minister, overlooking policing and justice.

"Initially Sinn Fein's first response was that she left the bar at 8:30pm.Then they came back with the statement that she left at 11pm and saw nothing.She said she would leave it to people to analyse the statement and decide for themselves.

"This is an accountable political party.I think people are intelligent to figure out for themselves whether this is the type of party they want running the country."

Miss McCartney went on to confirm that she was considering running as an independent candidate in the South Belfast constituency in the Westminster election.

I think these hard-hitting comments are devastating to Sinn Fein as we approach St.Patrick's Day.Let us not forget that Mr Adams said at the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis that he was on the side of the McCartney family.It is becoming apparent that this is not the case.Catherine McCartney doesn't appear to think so, anyway.How can Sinn Fein supporters defend their party now?


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