Wednesday, April 12, 2006


No reason to object to a United Ireland

United from the sky!The issue of whether or not Ireland should be reunited is a debate that has raged in Ireland since the division of the island back in 1921.

It is a complex debate that shows no sign of letting up any time soon but is there any good reason for keeping the island divided in this day and age? Not according to Paedar Ó Laoire who has written this very sensible letter in the Irish Examiner:

What exactly are the unionists’ objections to a united Ireland?

Surely the four bugbears - religion, welfare, jobs and politics - no longer apply.

Rome no longer rules in the south. Now that almost all of the Church-inspired legislation has gone, the Republic is much the same as any other European country.

As for social welfare, pensioners down here are much better off than those north of the border and the health benefits have almost caught up - and in some cases have exceeded - those in the British jurisdiction.

The jobs scene is now so much better that we have to import workers.

As for politics, the parties down here are no longer polarised. And if the UUP made a pact with its natural allies, Fine Gael, we wouldn’t see republicans for dust.

Paedar Ó Laoire
Ardán Túreen
An Pasáiste
Co Chorcaí

So what say you? Is there any good reason to object to a United Ireland?


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