Thursday, November 10, 2005
Thursday Thoughts: Gordon Brown

"Mr Brown and the Treasury are all too aware of the economic black hole that is parts of Northern Ireland, particularly those completely dependent on welfare. The chancellor has made no major pronouncements about Northern Ireland policy, appearing aloof and above the problems that have dogged Tony Blair's Good Friday agreement. Both the DUP and Sinn Féin may therefore end up as disappointed as Beckett's characters waiting for Godot. The only thing these parties can be guaranteed, is that while direct rule from Westminster pertains and Brown seeks to slash the public spending bill across the UK, is pain in terms of water charges, massive cuts in the numbers of civil servants and a general reduction in the welfare budget."
Personally, I believe that Gordon Brown will follow the line of thinking that recent British governments have been following towards Ireland's north - that the annual subsidy of £1.5bn needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible for the benefit of mainland British citizens and therefore every effort should be made to bring about a United Ireland. The north of Ireland is a sponge that soaks up British time and money and it is in Britain's interest to be free of its grip.
Brown knows that better than anybody because of his current post and he knows that further down the line a United Ireland is best for all concerned. For the economic well-being of Britain, Ireland and the EU.
In other words, it makes cents.
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