Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Hero/Villain of the Day-15.12.04

Well it's time for the first of a daily feature where I pick out a Hero and a Villain of the day.
I found it hard to pick a hero in stark contrast to having to pick a villain.No prizes for guessing who the villain is...

Hero: Enda Kenny:Kenny deserves to be praised for quite rightly criticizing Ahern over his handling of the McCabe issue.
The majority of people in Ireland do not want the men who killed Garda McCabe released and Ahern should listen to the will of the people.

Villain: David Blunkett:Who else?He enraged many members of his party by releasing a book which criticizes several of them.One has to sympathise with him as the Press have been hounding him and one wonders if his resignation will give him some respite from the tabloids.


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