Tuesday, June 27, 2006
A week is a long time in politics...
Even so I'm finding it strange to be posting again because I haven't really missed posting at all. Funny that.
Of course perhaps the biggest news of all has been the loss of one of Ireland's great figures who has finally left the stage. No prizes for guessing who I'm referring to.
I am of course referring to...the great Roy Keane who had to retire from football due to a hip injury. We'll miss ya, Roy.
What's that? Oh yes and in other news Charlie Haughey died and was honoured with a state funeral. Other countries look down on criminals but here we give them state ceremonies. Once again this country shows the world how fucked up it really is.
Speaking of fucked up places, I see good oul' Ireland's north is still a great big mess. Just bring in Joint Authority, er I mean Joint Stewardship, and end this farce already.
On a final note, the World Cup is in full swing and I've really enjoyed it. It's amazing how clueless English fans are. Their team is about as thrilling as Basic Instinct II and yet they still feel they can go on and win the thing. I can't wait until they're knocked out.
The World Cup has proven a nice distraction for me and I've decided not to write any more posts until it's over. Seeing as my readership has all but disappeared, I don't know if anyone will actually notice this or care (hello?) but if you are reading, good luck and take it easy.
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