Monday, February 06, 2006
United Irelander nominated for Irish Blog Awards

I would like to thank those of you who took the time to nominate United Irelander for these awards.
You can vote here.
There are some great blogs up for awards, many of which I regularly visit, so I don't intend on tooting my own horn too much (no rude jokes please), however if you feel like giving your support to United Irelander, feel free to do so!
On a completely unrelated topic, I've always felt that a blog is only as good as the people who comment on it. Now, I'm just rambling here, but if United Irelander were to win something, YOU as a loyal contributor to this site would in effect also be a winner by association. Anyway, I'm just rambling here of course with no ulterior motive whatsoever. Heh heh.
In all honesty, may the best blog win.*
*(Psst. Vote for me. Ah G'wan!)
© 2008 United Irelander.