Saturday, February 04, 2006
Holohans want O'Donoghue at inquest

According to media reports, Majella Holohan wants Wayne O'Donoghue to personally respond to a number of issues she raised in her victim impact report at his sentencing.
O’Donoghue was sentenced to four years in prison for the manslaughter of 11-year-old Robert in January 2005.
Cork county coroner Frank O'Connell said that no details of the inquest, either its date or the potential witnesses to be summoned, will be discussed until after the 28-day statutory appeals period expires.
I think Wayne O'Donoghue should answer the issues raised by Majella Holohan. He owes it to Mrs Holohan and the people of Ireland in general.
If he's innocent of murder, what's the problem?
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