Saturday, February 04, 2006
Freedom of speech
The debate surrounding the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, which I commented on here, continues to rumble on. Antonio and Richard Waghorne have posted on it here and here respectively.
I've commented on it already but this issue has since become an issue of freedom of speech and as Jon from Back Seat Drivers has pointed out, the response from the Irish media has been disappointing. United Irelander is very clear about its views on freedom of speech though and seeing as a picture tells a thousand words, permit me to outline, through images, this site's view of the issue:

I've commented on it already but this issue has since become an issue of freedom of speech and as Jon from Back Seat Drivers has pointed out, the response from the Irish media has been disappointing. United Irelander is very clear about its views on freedom of speech though and seeing as a picture tells a thousand words, permit me to outline, through images, this site's view of the issue:

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