Wednesday, June 11, 2008
President heckled by loyalist bigots

The President was stopping by Millburn Primary School in Coleraine, and was greeted by a crowd of 30 or so people who held banners and shouted slogans, including 'No surrender', as she and her husband Martin arrived by car. According to news reports some of the abuse was sectarian.
The school's principal John Platt said he had been intimidated over the visit.
All I can say is what an absolute disgrace those people are. Talk about close-minded bigots. I am someone who thinks it would be a great idea if the British queen were to visit the Republic of Ireland. Now should such a thing take place, I wonder how those muppets who shouted sectarian abuse would feel if the British queen were treated in a similar fashion? I bet they'd be none too pleased.
What a right bunch of wallies they are. I guess they have to find something to keep themselves occupied whilst they wait for their Rangers matches to come back on the box. Pathetic.
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