Saturday, June 07, 2008
RTE'd do anything?

"I'd Do Anything' runner-up Jessie Buckley will be among Miriam O'Callaghan's guests on the first episode of the new series of 'Saturday Night with Miriam' on RTÉ One this weekend.
"The Kerry teenager, who made the final of the BBC talent series last week,
I've underlined the bit that bothers me. Now while I've no issue with the talented Miss Jessie Buckley appearing on the show, could someone please explain to me why the Tánaiste is appearing on a show that will no doubt get considerable ratings just mere DAYS before the Lisbon Treaty referendum is due to take place, hmm?
I mean why the hell is a government minister appearing on an entertainment programme when there's a massively important vote on the horizon? I think you see what I'm getting at.
What are the chances that the Lisbon Treaty will be discussed on this show one wonders?
Jeez, it's almost as if the Irish state broadcaster is BENDING OVER BACKWARDS to help out the Irish state, don'tcha reckon?
What a disgraceful move this is on RTE's part. It was only a few weeks ago that RTE One conducted a Questions and Answers programme, featuring a debate on the Lisbon Treaty, in which there was NOT ONE panellist who wanted a No vote featured! It's clear to see what's going on here. RTE is doing its utmost to silence those against this Treaty, and is doing everything it can to satisfy the state fascists who are afraid to see Lisbon debated in a fair and democratic manner!
What a disgraceful abuse of the license fee!
The Irish government wants to confuse the public with their propaganda and scaremongering but I hope and pray that the Irish electorate sees through the government's sleazy scare tactics.
Sorry Jessie, but when it comes to 'doing anything', RTE and this government take the biscuit. They are doing ANYTHING to please their overlords in Brussels, and while we may not see a 'Nancy' on Miriam's show, I reckon there's a good bet we'll see at least one Nazi!
Vote No to the Lisbon Treaty!
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