Monday, March 24, 2008
We will not forget...

- Thomas Clarke, May 1916
First off, I hope everyone had a happy Easter. Mine was pretty good although I'm annoyed and disappointed in myself for not making it to mass on Sunday. I'll have to do my best to make it up to the man upstairs for that poor showing.
Easter of course also has significance to Irish people for historical and political reasons. It was ninety-two years ago that the Easter Rising got under way which saw many brave men and women standing up for the Irish nation by striking a blow at the British oppressor.
People like myself owe our independence to the brave Irish people who took part in that event and who reawakened the Irish quest for freedom. Let us remember their courage and sacrifice as well as the many civilians of Dublin who were cruelly murdered by British soldiers during the fighting.
Two years ago for the ninetieth anniversary celebrations I wrote in more detail about this period so if you didn't get a chance to read about that you might enjoy perusing some of the articles here.
The 1916 Rising was a pivotal moment in Irish history but there is still much to be done by the people of Ireland to make the total aspirations of the 1916 leaders become a reality. Soon I feel our island will be reunited and when that day comes, we will know that the task has been finished in full.
© 2008 United Irelander.