Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Well done An Garda Síochána

"On a philosophical note, there's something strangely touching about the sight of Gardaí risking life and limb to protect northern Unionists."
Hear, hear. I don't know if any of you caught Monday's Questions and Answers programme on RTE but they discussed the events of the past weekend in some detail and a young man in the audience made what I thought was an excellent point when he stated that the people who rioted were not true republicans,that if anyone was on that day it was the Gardaí themselves. After all they were out there heroically fighting off these thugs who defiled our flag and who have no real understanding of what it symbolises. The Gardaí on Saturday were the embodiment of what that flag represents as they fought to keep the peace between green and orange.
They did Ireland proud and while I've only saluted the Gardaí sparingly since last Saturday I'd like to right now take the time to publicly thank the Gardaí for their actions.
I've heard that some of the rioters when they were attacking the Gardaí branded them 'Free State scum'. They're not. They're proper republicans.
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