Monday, February 27, 2006
Fine Gael make gains in latest poll

The 'Red C' poll in the Sunday Business Post found that Fianna Fáil support has dropped two points to 35%, while Fine Gael went up two points to 25% since last month.
It is the second in a series of monthly polls that will test the political temperature between now and the general election.
It is thought the drop in support for Fianna Fáil may be as a result of recent controversies over ministerial appointments.
Labour is down one at 12%, Sinn Féin is up one to 10%, the Greens have dropped two to 5%, while the PDs are up one to 4% and Independents are also up one to 9%.
Interestingly 39% of those polled said they were confident the economy could sustain the current rate of immigration, while 32% were not.
The results showed that 45% were confident that the economy is on the right track for the future, while 25% were not confident and 30% said they were neither.
I welcome these poll's findings as I think it is good for democracy in this state to have a strong alternative to the Government, however I don't think we're in a position right now where we can say we have a strong alternative.
As for Sinn Féin's increase of one, this might encourage their supporters but I simply attribute this to their Ard Fheis which I myself found quite good for the most part.
I would however expect that figure to drop in the next poll in light of the recent violence which occurred over the weekend.
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