Friday, December 23, 2005
Ahern briefed by Orde - Changing times!

The two men met for around an hour at Government Buildings in Dublin less than a week after leading Sinn Féin official Denis Donaldson admitted he had been a British spy since the 1980s.
Mr Orde has continued to insist that the IRA was operating a spy ring inside Stormont. He claimed this was evident as documents stolen from Stormont were found in west Belfast during the investigation.
However, Sinn Féin has pointed out that the documents were found in Mr Donaldson's house and were therefore in the possession of a British agent, not the IRA.
In a statement released after the meeting, a government spokesman said the Taoiseach viewed Mr Orde's visit as an indication of the seriousness of the matter. However, he said the substance of the talks was confidential and it would not be appropriate to go into any detail.
First of all, in relation to the alleged spyring, it seems to me that people are neglecting to point out what Sinn Féin have been left to point out - the 'IRA spy ring' documents were taken from the British agent Denis Donaldson's home! That to me means these allegations have absolutely no credibility and were, in my view, all part of MI5's plans to destablise the North.
Aside from the Stormontgate issue though, isn't it absolutely fantastic to see the PSNI's chief constable taking the time to come to Dublin and inform the Taoiseach what is happening in the north of Ireland? It goes to show how times have changed!
The role of the Irish Republic in the North is now well defined and is clearly of great importance. The British government quite rightly acknowledge that. Not only do they acknowledge it, in my view the British want to see the Republic one day take full responsibility on matters like this!
A British official has briefed the Irish Prime Minister on events in the North.
Very soon, these roles will be reversed and it will be an Irish official briefing a British Prime Minister on events in the newly reunified island of Ireland.
The times they are a-changin'!
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