Friday, December 23, 2005
Love Bigotry!

Love Bigotry
Oh how I laughed! It's run by 'The Shankill Moaner'!
Here is their mission statement:
- Lovebigotry is a campaign for the unity of Ulster bigots.
- Lovebigotry calls for the democratic rights of the Nationalist / Republican / Marxist / Socialist / Sinn Fein / I.R.A / Taig / Fenian (O.K. - I'll stop now!) community to be neglected.
- Lovebigotry calls for end to equal rights to those evil catholics. We are the supreme race.
- Lovebigotry gives people a voice and encourages them to have their say, unless you’re a taig. In that case we’ll delete your posts from our forum.
- Lovebigotry is a peaceful and democratic initiative by a range of organisations across the province including the The Shankill Butchers, KKK, and King Billy Booze Bargain Basement.
It's hilarious! Check it out!
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