Monday, October 24, 2005

I've found myself quite eager to post while I've been away so I guess I still have the blogging bug so to speak. Despite this, I've come to another realisation - things are stale. I think I need to ring in a few changes. I'm going to try and go from stage 6 back to stage 5 so hopefully these changes will help me to do just that.
'Nationalism is built on revolution, but it must move forward through evolution'.
I wrote that around the time I set up United Irelander and I think it's applicable to this blog. With that being said, here are a few modifications I will make to UI:
- Return to the basics - This is an Irish nationalist blog. People of other political persuasions are of course welcome but I think it's time I got back to my roots and concentrated mainly on Irish political issues.
- Less is more - I feel that in pumping out posts and concentrating on quantity, I have only served to neglect the quality of the posts. It's been a while since I've felt truly pleased with anything I've written so with that in mind, I will be cutting down on the number of posts I write. (I know I said that before one time and I actually posted alot more afterwards but this time will be different!)
- Less features - I will be abolishing my weekend features which were 'Saturday Survey' and 'Sunday Scrutiny'. I will probably keep on the daily features from Monday to Friday. As for the Celtic myths, there are a few more tales I will post about and then I will be finished with them.
- New colour scheme - Last but by no means least, I will be changing the colour scheme to United Irelander. Yes, the trademark green will be given the boot! Long-term readers of UI who have been here since the start will remember it was the standard orange up until I revamped it to green around February. Well I will be changing the colour once more so stay tuned! (No doubt you'll hate it but sure what the hell...)
So there you have it. As for me, I'm still quite busy so the above changes won't be taking place until I return to the blog seat which will hopefully be this Thursday.
Until then, slán go foill.
© 2008 United Irelander.