Saturday, October 15, 2005
Kerr speaks out

I thought he spoke very well and defended his position admirably. The people in the audience were respectful and supportive of the man which pleased me because he is clearly hurting over Wednesday's result as much as the rest of us. I think that's one of the things that separates us from the English. The slightest hint of something going wrong and they go nuts whereas in Ireland, people seem to be more understanding.
Even though I was impressed with how Brian Kerr conducted himself on the show, I still think it's time we got in a new face.
I just think he is lacking in key areas, particularly tactically and also in terms of the style of play offered.
I think opinion is going to be divided whatever the FAI decide to do over Kerr's contract. I do think Kerr did his chances of a new contract the world of good though through Friday night's interview.
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