Monday, February 25, 2008

Can we banish Bertie?

I see the Tanaiste Brian Cowen, in another lame Fianna Faíl defence of their crooked leader, has described Enda Kenny as being like Napoleon in Elba, drawing up plans for wars he lost, after Kenny criticised the Taoiseach's Mahon Tribunal evidence.

Don't make me laugh, Cowen.

If you ask me, Ahern in recent months has sounded like Napoleon in St. Helena, coming up with excuses about his life of misdeeds and becoming increasingly detached from the world around him.

Ahern recently admitted under questioning at the Mahon Tribunal that his former partner, Celia Larkin, received a loan of £30,000 pounds from a special Fianna Fáil fundraising account in order to buy a house. Following this revelation, opposition leaders urged him to resign and have rightly branded his financial affairs a national embarrassment.

In any other country this man - this political disgrace - would have no choice but to resign yet the so-called 'Republican Party' Fianna Fáil have prostituted their morals so much so that they are rallying behind this clown.

I predicted around the General Election last year that this kind of thing would happen. I wrote:

"I feel a strong sense of sadness as I see Fianna Fáil cruising to victory in this election. Just like when Haughey was in power, the Irish people are being duped. Big time. The fools who re-elected this lot will regret it when the crises mount up. They broke their promises last time and they will break them again. It's what they do best."

Now we are left with YET ANOTHER Fianna Fáil Taoiseach who is taking this country for a ride. It's Haughey all over again. Why couldn't people see this coming last year?

It's high time we said au revoir to Monsieur Ahern and banished him from public office. Just like Bonaparte, the Taoiseach needs to meet his Waterloo.

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