Tuesday, December 11, 2007

He's baaaaack - honest he is!

Time: Saturday, 15th of December.

Event: The third anniversary of United Irelander.

What's promised: A whole lot of ranting and raving.

Update: Sorry I didn't get to post yet. If anyone's wondering why I didn't, my story is that I'm holding off on it so as to build tension. Nothing of course to do with me spending most of the weekend watching sports. Ahem.

G'wan Man Utd!

Update 2: Apologies for not getting back to this here blog but I've been quite busy! I went to hospital a few weeks back and had surgery which I'd been waiting on for a good few months. It wasn't major surgery, just keyhole, and thankfully everything went well and I'm feeling good. No more soreness or anything. I have to go back for the standard check-up soon but please God I'll be told I'm in good health. I feel that way anyway.

Hopefully I can rack up a few posts in the near future.

Thanks for your comments of concern. Sorry I didn't get back to them sooner but I was told to take it easy and so I gave the internet a miss.

Thanks again.

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