Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Harry avoids Iraq - what a surprise!

According to a statement from Clarence House, The prince is "very disappointed" at the decision but will not be leaving the Army as a result.
Explaining his decision General Dannatt said:
"Following a visit to Iraq last week I discovered a number of threats relating directly to Prince Harry and those around him and I am not prepared to export those risks."
Commenting on the news, Reg Keys, whose son Thomas was killed while on active service in Basra in 2003, said he found the decision distasteful and questioned whether insurgents could have told the prince apart from other service personnel. Mr Keys added:
"It would appear that Harry's life is more valuable than my son or the other nearly 150 service personnel who've given their lives."
That would appear to be the case, yes. I have to laugh at this excuse about Harry's life being under threat if he went over there. Isn't that what serving in the Army is all about? This isn't a game, it's real life. The British troops in Iraq are under threat every day.
If I was a British person I'd be asking myself why this royal gets to avoid service on account of the dangers in Iraq, yet the rest of the British troops have to endure it. It seems royal blood means more than "common" blood.
Then again that is the way modern Britain is. It's one rule for some and another rule for royalty. There was a story yesterday about Mohammed Al Fayed wanting to involve the Queen in the Diana inquest. The reaction? Well here is what the coronoer 'Lady Butler-Sloss' (nothing upper class about that name!) had to say:
"As far as Her Majesty is concerned, I don’t know what the protocol is and whatever the protocol may be it should be observed.
"In as far as you’re saying that Her Majesty should be directly approached, I think that’s unheard of."
Yeah, God forbid that happen. We can't have the British public thinking they and the monarchy are on their level. The very idea!
It's farcical situations like these which make me appreciate how fortunate I am to live in a republic where all men and women are regarded as equals.
For British personnel, It should be either "all in" or "all out". If Iraq is too dangerous for Harry then it's too dangerous for everybody else.
I feel sorry for the British people. They're being treated like mugs.
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