Friday, April 20, 2007
Nuts for sale!

So you come here and spend time reading and maybe even commenting on what you find? Admit it, you're a nut for UI and so you need a nut jar or two from United Irelander!
Well, I can announce that these are now IN STOCK and just awaiting YOU to place an order for them. When you visit here in the future, you'll be able to eat some nuts from your own UI nut jar as you pound that keyboard, putting the world to right! You nutjobs you!
Here's the deal: It's €20.50 for one, but only €40 for two! Yes you actually save a whole euro! All profits go to charity - just kidding, they go to UI site maintenance! (cough)
This is a strictly limited edition run so first come first served. Because I am environmentally conscious here on UI, these quality nut jars must not be handled by vagrants, old folks or Cork people. Just wash 'em in the sink! (the jars, not the vagrants) So you're even helping save the Planet AND averting further global warming! Go you! All prices are plus p&p.
Here's what to do - place a firm order with me - just email me your details via my new email - and I'll get a final price inc p&p for you. Then once you have done this simply send me your requests and you're ready to go!
This is a first for me, I really need
So then, go nuts!
© 2008 United Irelander.