Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Collusion is not an illusion - Committee

You wouldn't know it though if you were watching the British news channels as they are too busy prying into Gordon Brown's private life and telling everyone that his son has cystic fibrosis. (How is that anyone's business?)
It's a bloody disgrace that they haven't bothered to inform the British public what their despicable representatives were doing while here in this island of ours.
The Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights looked into 18 different fatalities in the Republic as a result of terrorist activity and found there was no doubt that there was collusion between the British security forces and the loyalist terrorists behind all of the atrocities that were considered in Justice Henry Barron's report.
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said it is 'absolutely essential' that the British Government examine the findings of reports into collusion, and that it fully co-operates with all investigations into the serious issues that have arisen.
Damn right. They have a moral obligation. SDLP leader Mark Durkan commented:
"The considered view of a parliamentary committee is that collusion was endemic, there was extensive evidence of that collusion at the time and elements in the British security forces were engaged in international terrorism.
"The British government must heed the call of the Taoiseach and the Pat Finucane Centre to examine the findings of the committee and take appropriate action."
Hear, hear. We can't expect anything less.
Tony Blair has apologised this week for slavery - something that happened 200 years ago. Will the people of Ireland likewise receive an apology for what has been done to our people thirty years ago by barbaric British nutcases?
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