Monday, May 08, 2006
Fine Gael Ard Fheis - Crime

Progressive Democrats TD Liz O’Donnell said proposals to tag offenders while on bail was a populist stunt and that the proposals may be unconstitutional. She added that legislation was already in place for electronic tagging where appropriate. Speaking on the proposals she commented:
"Sorry, but I don’t even think the Labour Party would agree with that. That’s nonsense. We have legislation for that."
Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told the Ard Fheis that 11,000 serious crimes like robbery, rape and murder were committed by offenders while out on bail in the past two years and Fine Gael Senator Brian Hayes backed the party's stance:
"Enda Kenny is absolutely right to put this issue back on the agenda again. It is absolutely right that people who commit serious offences, that the state should know exactly where they are 24/7."
Senator Hayes added an amendment to the Constitution should be passed if required to pass the law.
In his presidential address in Dublin’s CityWest Hotel, Mr Kenny claimed people were losing faith with a legal system which protected the rights of criminals:
"They’re tagged, the people are safer. When the law and order party is back in power, the thugs will be out of business," he told delegates.
He also vowed to change the law so that homeowners couldn’t be sued if they tackled intruders on their property. Judges will base sentencing on the impact of the offender’s crimes on the victims, he suggested:
"I want our judges to be more accountable to the people. I want them to be the people’s representatives."
He also proposed that the Oireachtas decide the range of sentences for each serious crime and judges must explain their reasons in open court if they deviate from this:
"This protects judicial independence but makes the system more transparent, the judges more accountable."
Despite the discomfort from the PDs, I must say I wholeheartedly endorse all these proposals. I've said time and time again that too much consideration is given to the perpetrators of crime rather than the victims. In light of what happened with Padriag Nally, I do feel we need to ensure that homeowners can't be sued for defending their property and families.
I too would be willing to amend the constitution to allow for the tagging of offenders. If 11,000 serious crimes occurred whilst people were on bail then this needs to be corrected.
What are your thoughts on the law and order proposals?
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