Saturday, March 18, 2006
OO issues St Patrick's Day message

It also said that it is greatly concerned by the breakdown of morality in our society (ha!), such as the recent introduction of civil partnerships.
The Order does condemn violence and hatred towards homosexuals but notes that the Bible condemns homosexual practices as well as heterosexual immorality.
The Order added that St Patrick’s message is in danger of being lost and that today should be a day of Christian reflection and re-dedication to Biblical standards and morality.
Can you believe this garbage?
I would suggest to the Orange Order that they take their own advice and re-dedicate themselves to 'Biblical standards and morality'. They might find this passage from the Bible a useful one to begin with:
'Love thy neighbour'

I would have more respect for the Orange Order if they actually practised what they preached and showed compassion to their fellow human beings. Sadly they continue to ban Catholics from joining the Order and they persist in hanging on to their triumphalist traditions, marching down areas where they are not welcome and sticking two fingers up at the locals.
It would be nice if the Orange Order faced up to the many difficult challenges they face here in the 21st century. Sadly, the only difficult path they are likely to want to walk down is the Garvaghy Road.
A shame.
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