Sunday, March 05, 2006
Love Ulster want to come back to Dublin

I stated here why I feel the marchers should be invited back to Dublin but I'm sad to see Willie Frazer up to his usual tricks. Listen to some of his comments in relation to coming back to Dublin:
"We would like to go back as soon as possible.
"But there is a lot of questions that are going to have to be answered by members of the Dail.
"We want reassurances from them. We don't want to have people batoned off the streets of Dublin so we can parade down through Dublin.
"The sectarianism and the bitterness that is there is going to have to be dealt with and it is down to the people of Southern Ireland and the people in Dublin. If they are going to support the Republican Movement, they are sending a quite clear message out to people like ourselves: We support the people who were out on the streets of Dublin last Saturday.
"They have to realise the consequences of that. They can't say they want to be our neighbour and live happily ever after and support the people who were out on the streets of Dublin."
UTV's article goes on to say that Frazer said he "accepted the people in the Republic had been appalled by the violence" yet when one looks at his comments above, it's almost as if he thinks the rioters reflect the people of the Republic as a whole and that we need to be taught lessons in tolerance!
It seems like Mr Frazer is deliberately making this parade more and more political. Why would that be? I'm sure you can make up your own minds about that one.
On a similar note, UTV report that "Republican Sinn Fein have vowed to hold a protest if another rally is permitted to take place. RSF Vice President, Des Dalton is accusing FAIR of provoking violence by seeking to re-run the march".
The way I look at it, if Republican Sinn Féin hold another protest then they are the ones provoking violence.
The rioters brought great shame on the Irish state's image last weekend. This cannot be allowed to happen again.
Even if the Irish Army have to police the parade, we must ensure that peace wins the day.
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