Monday, February 20, 2006


UI makes Irish Blog Awards Shortlist

UI makes the grade! I am delighted to announce that United Irelander has made the final shortlist in the 'Best Political Blog' category in the Irish Blog Awards.

There were some seriously good blogs in that category and it is an honour to make the final cut.

The shortlist contains alot of familiar faces and reads as follows:

Disillusioned Lefty
El Paso Times
Slugger O'Toole
United Irelander

I link to, and regularly read, three of those sites above so I am pleased to see them there.

As I understand it, the winner will be announced on the night of the Blog Awards in March. May the best blog win.

I would like to say thanks a million to those of you who took the time to vote for United Irelander. I'm not sure how many votes UI received but it must have been a fair few to make the shortlist. Thank you for your support.

This site is about more than just my opinions. It is about you and your reaction to these opinions. It is about your own opinions.

I do acknowledge and appreciate the contribution made by United Irelander's readers and I hope that you are all aware of that.

Cheers everyone.


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