Friday, January 13, 2006

Student gets away with 'gay horse' remark

Don't mess with our horsies!Have you all heard about this bizarre story yet?

A final-year Oxford University student from Belfast, who was arrested for calling a mounted policeman’s horse gay, will now not be prosecuted it was announced yesterday.

Police stood by their decision to take Sam Brown (aged 21) to court for making "homophobic comments" after the Crown Prosecution Service today dropped the case.

Mr Brown approached the officer during a night out with friends in Oxford after his final exams, and said: "Excuse me, do you realise your horse is gay?"

Moments later, two Thames Valley Police squad cars appeared in the High Street and Mr Brown was arrested under section five of the Public Order Act for making homophobic remarks.

Mr Brown, an English Literature graduate, then at Oxford’s Balliol College, spent the night of May 30 last year in the cells.

He refused to pay an £80 (€117.10) fine, so police took the case to court.

But at Oxford Magisrates’ Court today it emerged the Crown Prosecution Service had chosen to discontinue the case.

Prosecutor Cariad Eveson-Webb said: "The police issued a summons but the CPS have decided they do not wish to proceed."

I think this is absolutely ridiculous! The student was just horsing around (pun intended). This is the bit of the story I love though:

"His remarks were deemed likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress."

To who? The horse? Is the horse sensitive about his sexuality or something?

The horse refuted the claims
His remarks were outrageous!

What a crazy world we live in eh?

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