Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Sectarian threat made to Catholic students

A Belfast college has confirmed that Catholic students were threatened outside its east Belfast campus.
A spokeswoman for the Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education at Tower Street said two men verbally abused students having a smoke break.
The spokeswoman said sectarian threats were made before the men left but they returned armed with knives.
She said the PSNI were called and the men were questioned. Police said the incident was being investigated.
Three years ago the campus, which is in a loyalist area, was closed after masked men threatened Catholic students there. The college said the students involved in Monday's incidents were attending performing arts courses.
It said there was CCTV footage of the incidents which would be examined on Tuesday.
Disgraceful that this sort of thing is still happening in Ireland's north.
We all need to condemn those who seek to keep sectarian attitudes alive in this day and age.
If there is one area we can all unite upon, it is against this kind of sectarianism.
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