Friday, January 20, 2006
Love Ulster meet with Gardaí over march

The campaign was set up by a coalition of unionist politicians, Orangemen, loyalist paramilitaries and victims groups to lobby against what they perceive as moves to force the North into a united Ireland.
It expects around 1,000 people to attend its march in Dublin on February 25.
Of course this Love Ulster parade is in no way designed to cause offence to Dubliners in any way. A point that was assured to us by 'DV9' on a Love Ulster forum thread entitled, 'We're on our way to Dublin'. He writes:
"I can't wait to see the faces on the nationalists when the union-jacks and the ulster flags are flown"
Aw bless. Love Ulster have such noble intentions don't they?
Regarding the meeting between Love Ulster campaigners and the Gardaí, you won't believe this but I've actually managed to get an exclusive first look at what these details will entail (cough!). They are as follows...
Love Ulster's demands
- We demand the right to wave our union flags. Being in the Irish capital for a few hours might make us forget our own nationality so union jacks are a must. It's not like we'd ever ban nationalists from waving their tricolours in the North...
- We demand the right to wear lillies as a symbol of our Protestantism. Being in such a sinful bastion of Roman Papishness like Dublin might scar our souls forever.
- We demand Dubliners acknowledge that we see their city as irrelevant. It is so irrelevant to us that we are saving up and travelling all the way down to Dublin to let that be known.
- We demand the right to express to Dubliners how sick we are of their State meddling in the North's affairs. Unionist politicians would never meddle in the affairs of the Irish Republic and for example would never tell the Republic how to deal with issues like the Colombia Three.
An Garda Siochana's demands
- Don't stay too long.
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