Saturday, January 28, 2006
Holohans ask DPP to appeal O'Donoghue sentence

Last Tuesday, Wayne O'Donoghue was given just four years for the manslaughter of the Cork schoolboy.
The Holohans feel this was too lenient and have, since the victim’s impact statement at the end of the trial, raised questions over the nature of the relationship between their son and the defendant.
The office of the DPP now has until the February 21 to consider the state's position.
I think I speak for most Irish people when I commend the brave stance of Mrs Holohan and I truly hope that the DPP reconsiders the disgraceful sentence given to Mr O'Donoghue for the 'manslaughter' of Robert Holohan.
Let's restore some faith in the Irish judicial process.
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