Thursday, December 08, 2005
1916 Rising HQ saved

Dublin City Council has voted unanimously to protect the house used as the final headquarters of the leaders of the 1916 Rising.
Developers had wanted to demolish 16 Moore Street as part of a plan to transform the area into a huge shopping complex but the move sparked a campaign to save the building, which was built in 1763 and had fallen into serious disrepair.
On Monday night, Dublin councillors voted to add the building and three adjoining houses to the list of protected structures, as recommended in an architect's report.
The leaders of the 1916 Rising eventually surrendered from 16 Moore Street after being forced to flee the nearby GPO, which was on fire following several days of heavy bombardment.
I think this is excellent news. This building is of enormous historical significance and to tear it down would be scandalous. Well done Dublin City Council.
"A nation that forgets its past has no future." - Winston Churchill
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