Wednesday, November 02, 2005
'What If'? Wednesday - Consistent DUP?

Res Publica has posted up some VERY interesting information from the Irish News regarding former loyalist paramilitary turned DUP official Gary Blair who has demanded the release of the two Poyntzpass killers.
The two Loyalist Volunteer Force men murdered Protestant and Catholic friends Philip Allen and Damian Treanor in a bar in Poyntzpass.
The SDLP's spokesperson Sharon Haughey has hit out at the DUP.
"This is a very wrong time for the DUP to be calling for the release of these brutal killers," she said.
"The ink hasn't even dried on the LVF statement."
Indeed it hasn't. Deaglan at Res Publica summed up the DUP's hypocrisy very well:
" seems some of Big Ian's team would like to see them out. Strange, I thought the DUP was opposed to early release of paramilitaries.
"Except possibly those of the LVF - as we know, some in the DUP had quite a cosy relationship with its former leader, Billy Wright."
Deaglan has hit the nail on the head here. The DUP's hypocrisy is disgusting. One minute they're lambasting the two governments over the early release of paramilitaries as evidence of the evils of the Good Friday Agreement, yet the next minute they're calling for the release of loyalist murderers.
I'm delighted that the people of Ireland and Britain have now been shown how two-faced the DUP really are.
It is clear that the DUP are of no benefit to the decent people of Ireland's north. Shame on them.
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