Friday, October 07, 2005
According to Jim...

It details a warning sent to all European MEPs in the European parliament courtesy of UUP MEP Jim Nicholson regarding Gerry Adams and telling MEPs that it would be impossible to get a straight answer from him on his trip to Brussels.
Much to my delight, the UUP have published for us the details contained within the email and it's a right old laugh! Here it is for your pleasure:
"Dear All, I note with interest that Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein is paying a visit to the European Parliament to promote the latest in an ongoing list of commitments by the IRA to decommission its weapons. Before Mr Adams seeks to cover himself in glory we should wait for genuine confirmation that all the weapons have been destroyed. We also need to know whether or not the IRA is going to end all its other activities and dismantle its vast criminal empire. Anybody attending the meeting tomorrow should be aware that Mr Adams just doesn't answer such questions.
Jim Nicholson"
Now, is it just me, or is there a touch of the playground with this piece? It reminds me of those kids who would come up to you when you were in school and warn you not to talk to so and so because he's a bit weird or a bit stupid or...well you get the idea.
So why on earth is Jim Nicholson acting like a threatened little schoolboy? Surely the best course of action would have been to just keep quiet? You can imagine the look of bewilderment on the faces of all those MEPs as they got this email courtesy of kool kid Jim Nicholson!
Nicholson's made himself look like a right wally with this one.
Relax Mr Nicholson. Just remember...everyone's special in their own way. Even you. Especially you...
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