Monday, September 26, 2005

RTÉ News has learned that the chairman of the decommissioning body, General John DeChastelain, will meet representatives of the Irish and British governments tomorrow to tell them that full decommissioning of IRA weapons has taken place.
General DeChastelain will present a detailed inventory of decommissioned weapons to the British and Irish governments before making the list available at a news conference.
Two independent witnesses will make a statement at the press conference to say that the promised IRA move has taken place.
It is understood the two witnesses are the Catholic priest Fr Alex Reid and Rev Harold Good, a Methodist minister.
The IRA arsenal is believed to include Soviet-built surface to air missiles, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, armour-piercing sniper rifles, three tonnes of Semtex, about 1,000 Kalashnikov AK47 assault rifles and large quantities of handguns.
Both governments will make statements tomorrow following General DeChastelain's statement.
Looks like decommissioning has finally arrived. Better late than never I guess...
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