Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Devolution could be delayed - DUP

The return of the North's Assembly could be delayed by two years, the DUP has warned.

DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson said:

"The prospects of a return to devolution have been damaged very considerably by the actions of this government. The community in Northern Ireland is outraged at what the government has done."

The DUP are expected to tell Tony Blair in Downing Street tomorrow they will disrupt British government plans to hold talks in the autumn about reviving devolution.

They will also tell him the DUP will prolong the assessment period for republicans to prove the IRA statement is for real before they will even consider going into government with Sinn Féin.

Nationalists have criticised the DUP for their stance.

"Even the DUP must now accept that the only situation in which they will have executive power will be in the Good Friday Agreement institutions alongside Sinn Féin," said Sinn Féin Assembly member Alex Maskey.

"Instead of issuing futile threats to the Policing Board, they should back its work in implementing Patten for the benefit of everybody," said the SDLP's Alban McGuinness.

I'm pleased to see nationalists standing up to this bigot and his party. If the DUP are going to tell Mr Blair they will disrupt his plans for talks in Autumn aimed at reviving the Assembly, Mr Blair must tell them that he will not be bullied or intimidated.

Who the hell does Paisley think he is?

We live in a democratic society and democratic progress should not be stifled by unhappy, intolerant loud mouths.

Stand firm Mr Blair!

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